I never put a lot of stock into lip balms or what have you. They help a little but are never worth the price to me, especially since I keep loosing them. The best they tend to do is add a gooey feeling to the soreness. Upon the advice of many friends I have tried Burts Bees, as well as Dr. Bonners. Both were OK, but neither really helped all that much. The worst was Jones soda. I got the Green Apple flavored lip balm and it tasted just like the soda but did absolutley nothing to relieve my dry lips.
The last time i needed moisture on my dry, cracked lips I hopped over to the corner store and saw Strawberry Chapstick. This was a new idea on me, and I thought at first it might be like the candy-esq Jones soda Balm. I love strawberries, even artificial strawberry flavor which doesn't really taste like strawberries, and knowing fake strawberry flavor all I could think of was sugar.
I am happy to announce that this Chapstick(R) works just as well as any other Chapstick(R), but, hey, it tastes like fake strawberries. Oh, I think it was $1.89.
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