Sunday, February 26, 2006

Review #1: New Belgum 1554(beer)

I am currently 1/2 way through my second bottle of "1554 Brussels style black ale". The copy on the bottle says: "certainly black with taosted maltiness, this ale is not a stout or porter. Rather this dark's secret to quaffability lies in it's bright acidity from the yeast and alluring spicy undertones" I only recently stopped drinking beer just to drink, and started tasting it. So i'll do my best. Bright acidity...check. spicy undertones...check. I must say the beer is very tasty. I'm not sure if I know exactly what "hoppy" means, but if im right, it's not very. It goes down smooth, but its kind of sweet. The sweetness worries me only because I've had New Belgum's Bier(Beir?) de Mars which was also tasy and sweet, but the sweetness leads to headachness. We'll see how that pans out, but as it stands I would buy this beer again. Should I have some sort of point system or scale? thumbs up, thumbs down? I don't know yet.


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