So my roomie Is always buying Dryers Fruit bars which contain a whole serving of fruit (I think). I've tried them and like them. Strawberry's the best, but lime and lemonade are good as well. The other day she brings home a slew of boxes of these things because they were on sale. This time she also got the Fruit and yogurt smoothie bars.
I was relatively excited about this because, as I've said before, I love strawberries and while I don't like bananas much, I love strawberry-banana flavors mixed. If you've ever had strawberry banana yogurt or even mixed the fruits together in a blender, this smoothie bar is pretty much what you'd expect. And that is a very good thing. I don't know how much a box costs, so I don't know if they are a deal. I'll probably never get them myself but as long as they appear in my freezer, I'll eat them.
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