When I took over the cereal ordering duties at my work I began to noitce that all of the cartoon character's faces on the kids cereals look not only insane and evil, but thay are al feinding for whatever cereal it is. Case in point: Cocoa Puffs. At the time I took over cereal, the box had the bird on it, his eyes bulging out, motion lines indicating he was shaking, and there was even sweat flying off of his face. Now from what I've heard, these are some clear signs of withdrawl. I thought "You couldn't make him look more crack addicted if you tried." I was proven wrong. A short while later, the new package design came out. Motion lines? yes. Bulging eyes? yes. Sweat? yes. Only this time he actually has rings around his pupils and he's shaking more violently. It freaks me out what these people are doing to the kids, and I hate kids.
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