For some insane reason I feel the need to try every new energy drink that comes out at least once. So when they started making them alchoholic, well, woo-hoo! I saw a new one today and went for it. I was gearing up to play music in front of a bunch of hipsters at my friend Garret's house. He and his housmates always put on shows and we (me, Garrett, Jake and whoever else wants to) usually end up piggy-backing the bill and going on last to clear the place out. I was also recovering from an entire day of drinking that I got under my belt yesterday, so I needed a little pick-me-up.
Well, first of all it was gross. I know that might be a bit redundant considering I'm talking about energy drinks, but I digress...I also felt no charge, liquid or otherwise. In fact I think it made me more tired. So I had about five PAcificos and, after declining the first round, had some hits of pot. This didn't perk me up or anything, but it did get me more in the mood to play music. We were awful. It was a night of noise bands, so we did what we do best...made noise.
Next time I think I'll stick with old reliable...Sparx 7.0%.
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